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Professional Development Opportunities

Professional Development Opportunities

Whatever your level of experience, and whatever your job role, continued professional development is essential, and can take many forms.  We would like to support OTs in their professional development and so can offer several different options.

Our Services

To stay up to date with our professional development opportunities please subscribe or become a member, this will add you to our mailing list where we can keep in touch and canvas our members for ideas of what you would like provided.

It is the foundations’ philosophy not to promote ourselves as ‘the experts’, but to provide spaces for us to share experiences, knowledge, and bring people together to learn and develop.

Special Interest Groups (SIG)

Special Interest Groups (SIG)

The VdTMoCA Foundation has been running a Forensic SIG for many years, it is one of our most successful events, an opportunity to learn about current practices, and refresh theory to enhance service provision.  We also invite ‘Friends of the Foundation’ to join us who have advanced their practice in their field using the model.

The aim is to run SIGs annually, although it is not always possible, and we know that the use of the model is growing in different fields.  Therefore, if there is interest we will run SIGs for different clinical areas, so please get in touch if you think this would be beneficial to you and your clinical area.

Special Interest Groups are online, free to paying members, or accessible with a purchased ticket.

Support to Service Managers

Support to Service Managers

The Foundation would like to offer support to OTs in leadership and management positions and share our experiences of embedding the model and its theory into practice.  

We would welcome the opportunity to collaborate with services helping to widen the use of the model across the UK and encourage more services to generate evidence and collect outcome measures.  

Please contact a Foundation Team Member or use the General Enquiries email address to ask us a question.

Sharing Events - A joint event between the VdTMoCA Foundation (UK) and the University of Northampton

Our last event was on the 18th March 2024 and it was AMAZING!

We had over 30 guests, some lively conversations and a lovely lunch provided for us!


We would like to extend a huge thank you to our presenters; Corinne White, Rhona Oxspring, Annymn Adams & Bartley Rock who sparked some very interesting discussions, and a special Thank you to Dr Roshni Khatri for hosting and to Professor Daleen Casteleijn from the Vona & Marie du Toit Foundation in South Africa for joining us all day via a video link!


In the afternoon we were led by Louise & Rhona in sharing our experiences in practice so we can learn from each other, stregthen our community & continue promoting the use of the model back in our work settings


The day was concluded by Roshni & Louise announcing that these sharing events will happen every 2 months on line, which everyone was excited to hear, and we will all meet again in 1 year back in Northampton!


If you want to be a part of these sharing events then watch this space!

